AMSOIL XL Increases Recommended Drain Interval 33%

Providing more information to our customers than any other lubricant manufacture on the market, AMSOIL is ever searching for the best and most cost effective lubricants. Below is a Voice Over PowerPoint presentation explaining some of the reasons why AMSOIL has...

AMSOIL Motorcycle Oil Testing

Several years ago AMSOIL produced a white paper on motorcycle oils. Testing in critical performance areas proved that AMSOIL makes the best lubricants for your motorcycle. If you have a Japanese  or European manufactured high revving engine or if you have a domestic...

Reformulated AMSOIL XL Product

AMSOIL XL Synthetic Motor Oils are engineered to overcome the main reasons for motor oil failure. Their extended-drain additive boost is designed to impart long oil life. Dan Peterson | AMSOIL TECHNICAL DIRECTOR I was taught early in my engineering career, “In God we...