Headquartered at the head of Lake Superior, AMSOIL Inc was founded on the principles of quality, ethics and giving customers more than they pay for. The reason AMSOIL has become such a successful company is due in no small part to its founder Albert J. Amatuzio or Al. Mr. Amatuzio had a vision and a dream to make the world’s first synthetic motor oil for automotive use and he accomplished that vision and more.
AMSOIL Inc was founded over 40 years ago and is still located in the “Northland” area of Duluth, Minnesota / Superior, Wisconsin. Learn more about Big Al in this clip from northlandsnewscenter.com

You can also read the article on northlandsnewscenter.com…
Speaking of Firsts, here is a list of firsts from AMSOIL Inc.

  • First to develop an API-rated 100 percent synthetic motor oil.
  • First to introduce the concept of “extended drain intervals” with a recommended 25,000-mile/1-year drain interval.
  • First U.S. company to utilize the NOACK volatility test as a standard of performance excellence.
  • First to produce synthetic motor oils for diesel engines, racing engines, turbo and marine engines.
  • First to introduce synthetic oils that legitimately contribute to improving fuel efficiency.
  • First to manufacture synthetic gear lube for automotive use.
  • First to manufacture a 100:1 pre-mix synthetic 2-cycle oil.
  • First to manufacture a synthetic automatic transmission fluid for automotive use.

The best thing about AMSOIL Inc is the partnership they hold with each and every Independent AMSOIL Dealer in the United States and Canada. This unique company allows us to partner with the best synthetic lubricants in the world.
To purchase AMSOIL products, contact your AMSOIL Servicing Dealer.  If you don’t have a servicing dealer, consider working with us, Michael & Alecia Sparks.