I'm a Veteran
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I am proud to say that I am a veteran! Since 1988 serving in the Armed forces has be a way of life for me and my family. One of the reasons that I was drawn to AMSOIL was the military background of our founder and CEO Al Amatuzio.

After graduating from High School I immediately went off to Army Boot Camp at Ft. Dix New Jersey. It seems that basic training was the hardest thing ever. Looking back, it really was an experience that taught me to believe in myself. I knew then that the Army was for me. After Basic Training I went to Ft. Campbell Ky and the 101st Airborne Division. During my assignment at Ft. Campbell we were called up for the 1st Gulf War-Desert Shield and Desert Storm. Spending over 7 months overseas in support of Desert Shield/Storm,
I spent 5 years at Ft. Campbell before I was reassigned to Germany. Our Family packed up and moved to Wiesbaden where we spent the next 3 years. We enjoyed seeing Europe and got to see many countries in Europe including Belgium, Czech Republic, Hugary, France, Poland, and The Netherlands. It was a great time.
Upon leaving Germany I was discharged from Active Duty and entered the Army Reserve. Spending 6 years in the Army Reserve I transfer to the Army National Guard where I still serve today.
In total, I have approximatly 30 years of service in the Army. I am looking forward to continued service, and plan to retire in the next 10-20 years.
The AMSOIL business is a perfect business for anyone serving in the military. Be it Active duty or Reserves/National Guard. I currently work with several AMSOIL Dealers that are Active Duty. They work their business when they can. This is the beauty of the AMSOIL business.

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In conjunction with serving in the military. AMSOIL is a military friendly company. The founder and CEO A. J. Amatuzio is a retired Jet Fighter pilot. As a jet fighter squadron commander LIEUTENANT COLONEL ALBERT J. AMATUZIO had ample opportunity to witness synthetic lubricants in action. These oils are used exclusively in jet engines because of three extraordinary performance characteristics: an ability to reduce friction and wear on engine components, an ability to function dependably at severe temperature extremes and an ability to withstand rigorous and lengthy engine operation without chemical breakdown.

Lt. Col Amatuzio, carried over his commitment to quality, honestly, fairness and the ethics to get things done even when faced with adversity. Over the years AMSOIL Inc has face many challenges from the large oil companies that he went against with his alternative products to other MLM companies that sued because of the colors that AMSOIL choose (Red White and Blue) or the fact that AMSOIL had an A.M. in it’s name.
We’re proud to be associated with a such a leader as AJ Amatuzio and feel a kindred spirit being part of the AMSOIL Team. If you are a veteran or love to do business with veterans you can rest assured that myself and AMSOIL are part of that military tradition.