Buy with Crypto

Many customers have been asking us if AMSOIL accepts crypto currency such as bitcoin as payment for products. We have decided to step to the plate and offer the ability for you as an AMSOIL Customer to purchase AMSOIL products with crypto currency.

Rules of the road:

In order for us, Michael and Alecia Sparks, Independent AMSOIL dealers to accept bitcoin or other crypto payments for AMSOIL orders we must institute the following rules.

  1. You must not be affiliated with any other AMSOIL Dealers. This means if you already have an AMSOIL account with another dealer such as preferred customer, Commercial or Retailer account we cannot receive any orders
  2. You must contact Michael directly to place your AMSOIL order using crypto currency. This can be done via phone, text, contact us or using social media such as Facebook messenger or Instagram DM or LinkedIn. We make it easy to get in touch with us.
  3. We will help you with your order and pricing. Once firm pricing is established in US or Canadian Dollars then we will send you a code so that you can send us crypto. We will issue a receipt for your purchase and your AMSOIL will be shipped to your door.
  4. If you are a local customer, we can also accept payment directly using Bitcoin or other popular cryptocurrency. We will establish pricing and accept payment face to face.
  5. These AMSOIL orders using crypto currency will be placed by us, Michael & Alecia Sparks, Independent AMSOIL Dealers using current credit card processing. You are paying us in cryptocurrency.

The Crypto space is rapidly changing and we have the right to refuse payment of certain crypto currencies. Please note that we are independent AMSOIL Dealers and this offer is not associated with AMSOIL Inc or any other independent AMSOIL Dealer.

We looking forward to helping you with your AMSOIL order placed with us using crypto currency but not limited to Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Cardano (ADA), Polkadot (DOT), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Stellar (XLM), Binance Coin (BNB), Chainlink, Tether (USDT) and others.

We are also setup on the Lightning network to receive payments in Sats (Satoshi’s) The Lightning Network is a layered Bitcoin payments at very low fees (1000x less fees than Visa & Mastercard network) We will gladly accept your payments over the Lightning Network.

If you have any questions or need any help please reach out.