AMSOIL Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluids help save customers transmission from costly repairs.
Read this testimonial from an AMSOIL Preferred Customer:

AMSOIL Preferred Customer Baxter (Dale) Rogers of Heyworth, Ill. saved himself the cost of a new transmission by using AMSOIL Automatic Transmission Fluid.
Rogers owns a 2004 Saturn Vue that sat idle for several months last year. When he began driving it again, he noticed a fluctuation in the rpm at lower speeds. He took the vehicle to a Chevy dealership, where he was told he needed a new transmission. “The cost would have been around $2,800,” Rogers said. “I went for a second opinion at a transmission shop, and they told me the same thing except I also needed a torque converter, which would be an additional $500 to $800.”
A third opinion, from a friend who does Rogers’ automotive work, was that the fluid needed changing. The Vue has a Honda transmission. The mechanic checked with a Honda representative, who recommended Honda transmission
fluid or AMSOIL Automatic Transmission Fluid, Rogers said. “I told my friend I would get the fluid because I am an AMSOIL Preferred Customer. I bought the AMSOIL Multi-Vehicle Transmission Fluid and he installed it,”
Rogers said. “I have saved so much money using AMSOIL products, I am overwhelmed.”
Trouble-Free Performance
“The Vue now has more than 124,000 miles and is running fine,” Rogers said. “AMSOIL ATF saved the day and saved me more than $2,700. AMSOIL products are great. I’m a happy customer and enjoy reading the Magazine to keep up-to-date on AMSOIL products and the company.”
Rogers installed AMSOIL lubricants in his other vehicles, as well. “I’ve been a Preferred Customer for about two years now, and I have three of my vehicles using AMSOIL products,” he said. ”They run so much better and cooler than I could have believed.”
In addition to the Saturn Vue, Rogers owns a 2010 Dodge Caravan and a motorhome. He uses AMSOIL synthetic
motor oil along with AMSOIL ATF in those vehicles. “When I go to Texas for the winter in my motorhome, and flat tow my Vue, I have no worry about the proper lubrication of my engines.”

There are 3 main products in the AMSOIL synthetic automatic transmission fluid catagory, Synthetic Universal Multi-vehicle ATF, Synthetic Fuel Efficient ATF, and Torque-Drive® Synthetic ATF. Each of these products is designed for their respective vehicle specifications. You can review the specifications on the bottle.
AMSOIL Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluids:

  • Resist high temperature degradation
  • Won’t overheat
  • Low temperature protection
  • Faster warm-up
  • Smoother Shifting
  • Anti-wear protection
  • Extended Drain Capabilities
  • Excellent for towing
  • Suitable for stop and go driving
  • Saves Money

AMSOIL Multi-Vehicle ATF

AMSOIL ATFAMSOIL Synthetic Multi-Vehicle Automatic Transmission Fluid is engineered to outperform conventional automatic transmission fluids and exceed the performance requirements of most North American, European and Asian vehicles. This sophisticated formulation provides outstanding performance and protection in the severe operating conditions of today’s most advanced transmission designs. Automatic transmissions have become increasingly complex as vehicle manufacturers strive to improve efficiency while satisfying consumer demands.

GM DEXRON® III-H • Ford MERCON® & MERCON V • Chrysler ATF+4® • Toyota Type T-III and T-IV • Honda Z-1 (Not CVT) • Diamond SP II & III (Mitsubishi/Hyundai/Kia) • Mazda ATF-III, ATF-MV • Subaru ATF, ATF-HP • Nissan Matic D, J & K • Idemitsu K-17 • BMW LA2634 • LT 71141 • Audi G-052-025-A2 & G-052-162-A1 • Volvo 97340 • MB 236.1, 236.2, 236.5, 236.6, 236.7, 236.9 & 236.10 • JWS 3309 • NAG 1 • ETL-7045E, ETL-8072B & N402 • Voith 55.6335.XX (G607, G1363) • ZF TE-ML 03D, 04D, 09, 14A, 14B, 14C, 16L, 17C • Allison C-4, TES 389 • Mopar AS68RC

Not for use with CVT or Ford Type F applications.

AMSOIL Low Viscosity ATF

AMSOIL Low Viscosity ATFAMSOIL Synthetic Fuel Efficient Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATL) is engineered to exceed the requirements of GM, Ford and Toyota where low-viscosity oil is required. The highly-specialized properties of this light-bodied fluid provide outstanding performance without compromising protection, even in severe operating conditions.

DEXRON® VI, MERCON® LV, SP or Toyota WS; and is
backward compatible and replaces DEXRON® III fluids in older GM automatic transmissions.


AMSOIL Torque Drive ATF

AMSOIL_Torque_DriveEngineered to eliminate the deficiencies common to all conventional, petroleum ATFs, AMSOIL Torque-Drive® provides superior performance and protection against thermal and oxidative degradation, sludge and varnish formation, viscosity shear down, cold temperature oil thickening, poor friction stability, high component wear and shortened oil life. Direct Replacement for Castrol Transynd / TES 295 and 389.

Direct replacement for TranSynd Synthetic ATF in heavy duty, on- and off-highway automatic transmissions manufactured by Allison,® General Motors,® Ford,® Voith® and ZF® or wherever the standards TES-295, TES-389, C-4, Dexron® III, Mercon,® Voith 55.6336.XX (G-1363) or ZF® TE-ML 14C  *new transmission recommendations include: Voith, ZF, Ford, GM and Mercedes-Benz transmissions

Download the current AMSOIL Torque Drive Data Bulletin

On further note: AMSOIL Torque Drive Automatic Transmission Fluid has recieved updated specifications and applications to which it is recommend. Read about the Updated AMSOIL Torque Drive Recommendations

To get the highest performance and protection it is recommended to completely remove the old transmission fluid and change the filters. You can download a copy of the AMSOIL Recommended ATF flush procedures here. ATF Flush

AMSOIL Engine and Transmission Flush Prepares Engines and Transmissions for New Fluid

AMSOIL Engine and Transmission FlushIf your transmission fluid is especially dirty or neglected it is recommended to do a transmission flush using the AMSOIL Engine and Transmission Flush product. The AMSOIL transmission flush cleans deposits in oil cooler and ports, helps unclog fluid passages cleans deposits and varnish from clutch plates, helping improve efficiency and promotes smoother operation and transmission life through reduced shift delay.
Transmission: Engage emergency brake. Add 16 oz. bottle of AMSOIL Engine and Transmission Flush to transmission oil fill port. Idle for 10-15 minutes; shift through drive and reverse. Do NOT place vehicle under heavy load. Drain entire transmission and torque converter of fluid. FILTER MUST BE CHANGED prior to refilling with new transmission fluid.
NOTE: It is not recommended to flush transmissions that do not have a removable pan or access to the transmission filter.
For more information on your specific vehicle application please use the AMSOIL Online vehicle look-up guide. This guide with list the proper transmission product for your year make and model as well as list the capacities for initial fill and fluid change.

AMSOIL Transmission Testimonial

Several years ago we were approached in a parking lot in El Paso Texas by Dick and Carol Callahan. They were full time RV’rs and they were looking for a product to help keep the transmission of their F250 Power Stroke Diesel truck cooler. Seems when they would drive through the Rocky Mountains the transmission would exceed 250° on the mountain passes. They would have to pull over and let the transmission cool before proceeding. After we switched over the transmission to AMSOIL Synthetic Multi-vehicle Transmission Fluid Dick and Carol proceeded to head to California. After reaching their destination in Oregon Dick called me up to let me know that his transmission never broke 200°. He said, “I kept my foot in the whole time” and it just held steady. Thanks to AMSOIL ATF his transmission is now operating at full efficiency.
If you have questions or would like to order today please don’t hesistate to contact us directly.

Michael & Alecia Sparks, AMSOIL Dealer / Direct Jobber
931-801-9401 call or text